original description of the Poweshiek skipper was published by Henry W.
Parker. At the time, the Reverend Henry Parker
was a professor at
Iowa College in Grinnell, Iowa. The school would later be known as
Grinnell College.
The specimens (thirty one males and 2 females) that were taken were
captured on June 21, 1870. The description was dated June 23,
1870. By autumn of that year, Henry Parker had taken a job at the
Massachusetts Agricultural College, as the school's first chaplain.
So if you take these things at face value, Rev. Parker went out one day
in June, saw a butterfly, captured thirty three of them, identified it
as a species that was new to science and sent the description in two
days later. All of this might have been under time pressure because he
probably already knew he was going to take the new job back east.
Henry Parker was a published author and poet. He had written and
published two volumes of poetry prior to taking the job in Grinnell.
He wrote a number of books later as well. Some are available
today, either digitally or as publish-on-demand books.
How cool is it to have a butterfly discovered by a poet? Pretty
cool, I think. But I don't think that is what happened.
Henry was married to Helen Eliza Fitch Parker who was a prolific write
as well. Her writings are also available on line and as
publish-on-demand books.
Henry's writings were precise and carefully crafted. He had a very
extensive vocabulary and used it to full extent in his writings.
He wrote from what we would consider a very religious perspective today.
His many books and scientific publications only included one other
mention of an invertebrate, a simple writing about observations of
the behavior of the white-lined sphinx.
Helen's writings were simpler and more passionate. She also wrote
from a religious perspective. She wrote three books for a Sunday
School audience which were essentially natural history explorations.
One was about sea shells, one about land snails, and one was about a boy
who constructed and stocked a home aquarium.
The story will be developed more completely in a thread of The History
of the Butterfly. I think that Helen was the naturalist of the
family, although Henry was the professor of Natural History. They
probably collaborated, but in my opinion, Helen was the driving force
that found the butterfly.
Is there really a
Kishkekosh County?
What about those other counties?
What city was named after George King?
Who walked half-way around the world and ate his shoes to survive?
Did the poet really discover the butterfly?